How Science Fights Viruses: Pepper and Soap Experiment!

This experiment mimics how germs are removed from your hands!


  • Pepper

  • Water

  • Liquid Soap

  • Q-tip


Step 1: Put a little water on a small plastic plate.

Step 2: Add a little bit of black pepper to the water.

Step 3: Take a Q-tip and dip it in soap.

Step 4: Touch your Q-tip to the plate of water and pepper.

Watch the Science Guys of Baltimore!

HERE’S what’s happening:

Viruses, like COVID-19 or the Flu, have an outside layer made of fat and protein, called RNA! 

Pepper also has protein inside of it!

Soap molecules are special: One end is non-polar and the other end is polar!

Because of the two different parts of the molecule, soap can mix into the water while also dissolving fats and proteins. The proteins interacting with the soap is why we see a wonderful pepper dance! Also, the reason it is so important to wash our hands!